Monday, September 17, 2007

No time for girls?

Give me a break.... Your perceptions of Appalchian culture are apparently limited to a fictional movie. Pointing to a band from NEW YORK CITY as representation of such culture is equally rediculous. Quite the contrary, there are very few actual Appalchian musical tendancies in this band's music. Yes, they use a banjo, but so does Shania Twain. Stylistically, particulary in the melodic area, the music lacks few disticnt Appalchian qualities.

I Wonder Why - Hamilton Bohannon
Squeezebox Man - Esteban Jordan and Pura Jalea
O'Death - Allie Mae Reynolds
Sumak - Les Edits Du Golem

Cicadas have a seventeen year cycle, it is a fact of summer. Every year I briefly wonder why there are cicadas this year if they are on a 17 year cycle. I know I heard them last year, so shouldn't I be pining for their musica del noche? Oh, right they don't all have the same cycle, this year's progeny will return when I am an empty nester

10,000 Chickens Symphony-Reynols
Have You Heard? - Mattress
I've Lost Control - Grace Jones

Follow the van, don't dilly dally on the way!


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