Monday, November 12, 2007

I hope your sickness clears soon

Dear Friends, (this is gonna be a long one.....)
A funny thing happened on the way to taking a little blog break... you see, I just wanted to take a break, ok? just a little break... to re-group, get some of my art projects organized and just have an online "breather" in general. Well, actually, a few things happened. Let me's never a short story with me...especially when it's been "long time, no talk".

Automatic Lover - Dee D. Jackson
Don't You Let Me Down Again - Buckingham Nicks

Well, first of all...I got hit with a "forced break". A time out that I didn't want. I guess all the running around I'd been doing the last two months wore me down and I came down with a bad case of strep throat. I am now on my second batch of antibiotics and very, very slowly recovering. I've had 2 tests for mono. Both negative. Thank goodness. I have not been a happy camper. I guess my body did know that I had to take a break, but I guess I did it a little late, then ka-bloom.

After Laughter - Freddie & Ernest
De Papel - Matias Aguayo

I've pretty much been on bed rest and of no use to anyone for more than 10 days now. This has been especially hard for me because, well, a) I normally hit the ground running and I wanna do stuff b) I have kids and people who look at me expecting caregiving and simply don't understand that Moms, do, infact, get sick. We are also suseptible to the common cold. Yes, we are. Don't look at me that way. Get your own cereal for crying out loud! Make yourself a dang quesadilla..

Untitled - Tomutonttu

It was because of one little four letter word....and that is, the MESS.


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