Monday, February 04, 2008

I couldn’t wrap my brain around it

Farmers attach little triangles made out of wood around their necks so they can’t go through the fences…so you can imagine how funny and sad it was at the same time to watch these pigs start squealing and running their tiny little hoofs at the sight of the dogs heading their way. It was another scene out of some comedy from the 80’s. One pig falls over on his side and gets stuck with the weight of the triangle keeping him down…hoofs in the air!! The other takes off into the hills running for dear life. The pig has no idea Tommy and Stoli just want to say Hi…..but just as Larry reaches the dogs, out pops a man with a machete…..the farmer, wanting to know what happened to his pigs.

Temple Turning Time - The Mission

“Really?? Really, You want some of this?...C’mon”


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