Friday, February 15, 2008

It's so unashamed to feel

I hardly collect dirty images of my favorite characters. I've been told that women are trained by society to hate their bodies, and that's why so many women latch on to slash and boys touching -- projecting unashamed sexuality onto the other where the self is tainted. But no, I don't really hate my body. I don't think I have a particularly distorted body image... in fact, I feel beautiful sometimes and appreciate praise a great deal. I don't feel a devastating need to be thinner and thinner...

Time Has Come Today - Bobby Davenport
Dick Johnson - Pussy Galore

I don't so much sexualize "the other" -- I cannot experience having a penis, so what about reading about having one should appeal to me? I sexualize likeness. I don't know what it's like to have a male body, but I do know what it's like to have breasts, so, that calls to me. I feel a little left out, to be perfectly honest; you all seem to have so much fun with the yaoi all the time.

Halloween - Sonic Youth
Keep Fooling Yourself - The Hasbeens

squeeing and gushing and railing


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