Stealing for Love
I mean you could steal for food, money, drugs, arse, childs but then its all love and here I will steal for you, sometimes I will lie but its because I got caught or was too cowardly, only know that I say steal its all that is left for you
dont know how to put up music yet but one of the records ive stolen in my time as minister is slaughter on tenth avenue - mick ronson, great cover and liked the title track but guess what?!! he nicked it, rest of record is shit
so normally it would be here
and now What the fucks up with Electro nowadays?To be honest, when the whole electrohouse/dancepunk/mutantdisco revival started up in earnest a few years back, I was pretty much over it the moment I first heard it. I didn’t lose my head over Annie. I didn’t buy into the whole Girls Aloud thing and while Rachel Stevens is a nice looking girl with some catchy songs, she hasn’t changed my life On Tuesday March 28th I'm giving a talk about postpunk New York and the synergy between the downtown art world this will be the eighth of the nine posts in my French series, the last (ninth) episode will be on French Prog Rock
an arse is someone who gets up even when they got no arse
dont know how to put up music yet but one of the records ive stolen in my time as minister is slaughter on tenth avenue - mick ronson, great cover and liked the title track but guess what?!! he nicked it, rest of record is shit
so normally it would be here
and now What the fucks up with Electro nowadays?To be honest, when the whole electrohouse/dancepunk/mutantdisco revival started up in earnest a few years back, I was pretty much over it the moment I first heard it. I didn’t lose my head over Annie. I didn’t buy into the whole Girls Aloud thing and while Rachel Stevens is a nice looking girl with some catchy songs, she hasn’t changed my life On Tuesday March 28th I'm giving a talk about postpunk New York and the synergy between the downtown art world this will be the eighth of the nine posts in my French series, the last (ninth) episode will be on French Prog Rock
an arse is someone who gets up even when they got no arse