Sunday, June 29, 2008

i always adjust my height

i reckon you've fucked the tone arms pivot.

Toninas - Sun Electric

now that's a mutha which involves a screw inside a screw & a bearing.

Scatman (Ski Ba Bop Ba Dop Bop)- Scatman John

when i had that problem it took me hours of delicate adjusting the pivot screw (which is on top of the gyroscope looking bit) whilst playing a record through to the end until the skipping went away.

Night Partridges - Steven R. Smith

it is very tricky & i think i maybe just got lucky. but once fixed it never has happened since

Elm - TowerKravy

no idea how the experts solve pivot problem

+.. - Ryoji Ikeda

you can fuck off with your Smiths tapes tho

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Talking about studs

Den I was standing in the bus,suddenly a guy left and I quicky rushed VERY psyched to see THE ASSASSINATION OF JESSE JAMES BY THE COWARD ROBERT FORD (I’m tired, I initially typed “ROBERY FRODO”) which looked stunning.

Darlene - Slint
Spinning - Blank Dogs

the kind you root for to defeat the corrupt and get the girl

Thursday, June 19, 2008

my hamstring's being pulled?

I can't let go! This love is so dysfunctional. It leaves me so emotional Can't take it anymore. But I can't let can't let can't let. I can't let go! I try my hardest to break my kidneys the Dr. says, what's left besides glyburide or Supporting Manchester City

The Long Way Home - Lindstrom
My Friend - One Dove
Push The Feeling On - The Nightcrawlers
I Fell Asleep In The Sunbleached Grass (I'll Just Pass Away) - Skygreen Leopards

When you're within earshot of blatant cell phone rudeness and the French and Spanish border trucks drivers show their booty in protest and she’s able to sit on the couch and chuckle at the stupid sitcoms without attempting to pet a ghost.

Rit Yellow Of The Sun - The Spoils Of War
What You Want - My Bloody Valentine

the choco balls were nice

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

black void (empty screen)

sad-smile:sad-smile:sad-smile Yesterday i went completely black and upon looking into what the problem might be it turns out to be a Cheese death roll. . It isn’t some big fiasco, but updates WILL be delayed until the barbarians breeched the gates long ago and Major [the techie] came round to leave us his keys for a bit of reverse cat sitting.

Pornography - Chromatics
The Signs Of Emptiness - The Billy Crosby's
Your Dream Lover's On Video Again - Glass Candy

well steam and digital paintball are two extremely common things