Friday, September 21, 2007

Always with sloppy extras! - XXX

llow me to introduce my newest crush. Kate Nash, a 20-year-old pop-starlet born in Dublin and raised in London, began playing piano and writing songs at a young age. She released an A-side single of “Birds” in February, then, in August, dropped a bomb on England

Brained By Falling Masonry - Nurse With Wound

I was being twisted and thrown to the ground. I thought I wasn't going to get out of this - whatever it was - I just didn't know. I thought that was it when it went all so dark.

Ain't Gonna Feel - Supermax

Disturbing and very tragic, and I feel a bit odd posting their songs, as their sound does embody their name, which translates to Black Desire. But the passion and power of OH MY GOD!!! Now I know what you're talking about, the middle part! WOW! What got into them? They improved a LOT rather suddenly!
Harris: I think they are totally trying to take this into more of their live show. Their live show is definitely more uptempo. The last time I saw them, Alexis sang lines from "Temptation" and "Is It All Over My Face" over the loudest, most manic beats. It was like he was trying to seduce me.

It's Love That Sings The Song - Merrell Fankhauser
i fucking love this

oh-shit-I’m-getting-old” record. “When you’re drunk and the kids look impossibly tan/ You think over and over/ Hey, I’m finally dead,” exclaims our weary-eyed technosmith, feeling his specific existential meltdown penetrate deep. It’s the sound of growing old and getting really, really

Feigned Hearing - Colin Newman
Ich, Ni, San, Shi, Go - Sam and Valley
The Night - Valerie Dore

Your reward is a lovely tin box with my name on it and the ability to sleep at night. I, and much more importantly all the producers and labels included who struggle to survive in what are frankly difficult times, salute you!


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