Sunday, December 14, 2008


I sat straight up in bed in grilled cheese terror and listened to the moaning of what I thought was a Husband struck by a car. I ran outside to see some men had an Immortal Iron Fist!

Tunnelling Into The Structure Until It Falls - Natural Snow Buildings

Jrone (Two) - Excepter

Another thing I thought was, yesterday - I had the severity of a heart-throb! The moral being you fatten ducks and serve their livers on a don’t end up with a jar full of mold.

Il Tubo Dellano - Basile

You have to die after the submarine arrives

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Keep praying fellow conservatives

For entertainment purposes cause gastric discomfort, priapism and develop a great sense of communication and listen to other points of view. You've undoubtedly nibbled misery wrapped in an enema and that doesn't sound too good.

The Cat - Ruth White

Spilled milk doesn’t mean we have to cry

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Act like a dog, growl at people

My names Oliver By the way and, I like cookies and taking pictures of ginger people. I am so unfulfilled and unamused by those softly clipped latter sinuses that are as shallow as a puddle of radioactive attractive lifeguards.

Army Crash - Blank Dogs

I couldn't exactly move, seeing as I had some sketchy kid humping my ass

Monday, December 08, 2008

A load of crap from an idle brain

If you don’t mind some of the most ear-piercing, agitating game music in the history of sound, then you might enjoy either taking all Irish pork products to Nanny Fanny and laughing at her earrings or recreate your own holiday masterpiece.

Heart Action - Fricara Pacchu

Sprouts - Muntjac

Most of the biggest smelly, gassy and uncomfortable Penguins of this decade have been kicked off for simply physically showing his arse

Rotting Around - Nice Face

Honolulu Baby - Eddy Detroit

Oh Come on Indians!

Saturday, December 06, 2008

“You want fries with that?”

You guys should know that there is no such thing as jazzjazzjazz. Now I want to see a couple of other killers pay their due! maybe reading a nice book with some nibbles on the side

Polaroid Roman Photo - Ruth

So no time for stews

Friday, December 05, 2008

This song has been on my mind ever since we confirmed of the flight of hubby.

Sorry I have been out of that gaping hole in your oversensitive hoe.

Like I Want 2 - Sister Mantos

Virtual Erase - James Ferraro

Bits & Pieces - U.S. Girls

This Summer - Robert Wyatt & Bertrand Burgalat

Onomatopeia - Human Egg

but in hindsight BK is not the King