Monday, December 03, 2007

Happy bastards

I've discovered that being single and sick can cause one to feel quite sorry for herself. Sick and pathetic - not a winning combo. First, let me say that I'm usually pretty happy in my singleness, enjoying my freedom and where my life is at right now. While of course I ultimately want to find a true partner in crime to live happily ever after with (ha ha - no really!), and I will continue looking for him, my dating adventures over the last year or two have proven educational but have also either ended painfully or with a dud.

Contact - Stereolab
Gypsy Theatre - Axolotl

So, I'm not really in a rush. I'm hopeful for the future, though, and that one day soon I will get it right. In the meantime, I enjoy being with my fabulous self and all my wonderful friends and family. Yet I have my moments--for example, when sick--where I feel very woe-is-me for not having someone who is obligated to be at my bossy beck and call (I mean, who loves me so much he can't wait to come running) when I need tea, soup, and cold-relieving drugs, as well as conversation and tlc on my lonely little island.

What You Won't Do For Love - Bobby Caldwell
Good Newz Coming - The Jungle Brothers

In other news, Kitty really hates her ear gel.


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