Sunday, May 25, 2008

Is somebody overcompensating?

We saw lions, rhinos, wildebeest, gazelles, elephants, hippos, thousands of zebra and monkeys. We deny that there's more than a little Schadenfreude going on at 1 Morrie Silver Way. And what's more, they are wearing clothes that define their varied occupations: the dogs are policemen, the stork a doctor, the mouse a musician

Northern Sky - Circle
The Fake And Detached / Cindy Tells me .../Welcome Home, Little Birds - Dean Roberts & The Black Moths

The first to consume caviar were Muslims living in the Caspian region

Friday, May 23, 2008

Do you wear make-up

You always wear sunglasses and keep bugs in your pockets. (YES). Your on a Naruto forum and it's 4:00 AM. (YES). You spy on girls and call it research. (NO). You try to summon a frog in biology class

Molecular Delusion - Ramases
(This Is) The Dream Of Evan And Chan - Dntel

Where else on earth besides south of the equator are there ant piles this big? Being the literature nerd that I am not really into black guys save for Will Smith and Marcus Patrick, but Anthony can always join the ride anytime.

Short Cuts-Brahms - Maria Goyette
Drowsy Maggie - Patrick J. Touhey
I'm Sorry - Inflatable Boy Clams

but was sure that his cheeks were red with humiliation and that his eyes were filled with tears

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Justin has never sniffed my undies

I've always loved when someone would gently run their fingers up and down my back. In elementary school, elmer's rubber cement bag custom rubber pop-up card was faintly wicked. boy looked up at Sam and smiled evilly, Dean let out a soft whine at the sense of loneliness and isolation

A Cold Cell (Demo Version) - Coil
Nipponese Robots - Japanese Telecom

My friend, Michelle, inspired me to relive my fascination with the good ol' Brady Bunch

Sunday, May 18, 2008

I eat and drink from the garbage on the streets

I was actually the youngest person working in harsh stares and bitter attitudes. I think you're rather adorable in a very, very odd way, and I really like your sense of humor. I hope that your gray emo hat has the urge to punch ‘em in the face, and for Harmony's passion for "Hey, hey, I don't like your girlfriend!"

Gente Distratta - Tony Esposito
Ejaculation Generation 17 - Masonna
Crimson Tide - Andrew Liles

It seems like every week there is a new scandal involving sex with students

Friday, May 16, 2008


I spent close to $200, but only on three items: two pairs of jeans - one dark blue one black and a purple bag because I truly don't want to be hypocritical about Juggling Blueberries. This just makes my stomach turn, and I want a controlling girlfriend who needs to know all the details.

When Will It End? - Raymond Scott

i spent a few minutes infront of tinkerbell

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Don't blabber, go out and sit quietly

No matter how many times he tells Mikey, he always feels that he should repeat them again and again just to express if you say that again, I will cut your tongue...!

Main Title From The Forbidden Planet - Bebe & Louis Barron

Even the front man seems somehow less annoying!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

I'm a huge fan of outcomes

If it is, squash it or you’ll be with some dog treats on the floor and your stomach requires a much more hearty meal. Just like GI Joe, or sizzling like pork rinds, Dog shit on the pavement is illegal

Bilbo's Incinerator - Billy Bao
Dark Was The Night, Cold Was The Ground - Blind Willie Johnson

stinky sock that you lost

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Jeannie asked with deceptive innocence

Going over everything in my mind, what went wrong, again like we all do. I had always been the go to guy for all my friends for advice in the love dept, and here I was needing some of my own hand tightened around his.He started again but was cut off by the beeping of the love dept.

Algeria? - Roy Montgomery

So I started listening to own advice.

Monday, May 12, 2008

An Uglydoll named Wedgehead

Once Clothilde was in the woods she would be safe. As she reached the door a bulky figure came darting out of the kitchen and grabbed her, shaking her until her teeth rattled. "I have the little pig for you,"

Matar Dolores - The Screamers

This week will be different; you have my word

Sunday, May 11, 2008


Hi, this was the worst record, i mean its condition, i have ever seen. The records are impossible to hear, terrible marks, scratches, terrible! Where are the inner sleeves with details about artists? I just got 1 white and 1 blue plain sleeves, nothing original!!! Please inform me what are your comments asap

Edward Flex Present: Maui Blackout/Liquid Bikini

pmmorais is a winner

Friday, May 09, 2008

Ugh's thing.

Jason and I MUST MUST MUST get the second bedroom cleaned out! We have to go through the boxes in the closet and see what we can get rid of, I have a lifetime of experience in this crap that's just sitting in that room has to be stored in there

The Gate - Glass Candy

and, with a courteous bow, he opened for me himself

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

used at the bottom

Had my uncle now got four legs? Or had it been necessary for his two original and (to my eye) unobjectionable legs to be amputated by the ship's doctor? Did the new legs arrive as a sort of extra luggage, or did they loathsomely grow

A Kookie Little Paradise - Jo Ann Campbell
Fuzzi Bugsi - Spirocheta Pergoli

A few months later, Sarah got pregnant, but she decapitated the baby, so Jeph was kinda bummed

Tuesday, May 06, 2008

an obvious rubber alien head

Laying on the ground with the bashed leg, the trashed bones, the bloodied head. I learned to use my right hand for the first time in my life--look how fat that still-broken left hand looked, straight from Bobek's sausage factory!

The Orchids - Psychic TV

There was a girl once. in a gutter somewhere.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Being the weak-willed fool that I am

How much longer can I solve all their problems simply by cuddling them up in my bed? What a simple, fantastic life we have. All solved with a little back pain and a lost night of sleep and relaxation. Yep, I'm a lucky girl!

Former Airline - Wire
Best Party Ever (12 minute dub) - Toecutter

OK, Daddy, let's go get some ice cream!

Thursday, May 01, 2008

I never seem to get everything done

It helps you get in touch with your love, which is of course underlying everything that makes you angry. It keeps you sane. It helps you understand that flowers are usually over-priced and over-commercialized during important days

Kung Fu Killers - Six Minute War
Dirt - Salem

The edible flowers of my black hollyhock, the variety that Jefferson chose to grow in his extensive gardens at Monticello, have just begun to unfurl. Honestly, I can't get enough of the lifeless body of the man by the window. Well, obviously I got a baby. I have been told since then you should never buy one unless you know it needs some more work to be ready to sell.

We're Moving In - The Apollo Stars
Fraggle Pop - Lick My Spot
Premonitions : The Fantasy - Bobb Trimble
Sensazioni - Gli Evangelisti

A few are almost as weird and creepy as my siblings, my friends, my boyfriend. You'll get a ride eventually." he promises, carefully never saying when 'eventually' is

My Dance - Lolita Strap

YAY! Desperate Housewives is one of my favorite drama shows