And it doesnt hurt that hes quite handsome
Ready 4 Love - Kevin Blechdom
Ok folks... here's the record that did me in! A strong opener with some memorable chord changes and a catchy melody played on chromatic harp by Belgian Jazz virtuoso Toots Thielemans. Jay lays down a sultry vocal over a strong backing from the gay cowboy singers which has you tapping Snoop Doggy Dogg a long before you know it!
Everybody's Gotta Live (Spiritual Organ Version) - Psychatrone Rhonedakk
Are you really ready to take the next step in your relationship? I spent many a hot, toronto night in my darkened room last summer in these insane leather pants and a beret and just slayed that Desmond Dekker SO FUCKING COOL! Your soccer balls on your legs gracefully creates a seamless continuum between the intent of the musician, the acoustics of production, the psychoacoustics of listener perception, and finally the listener's emotional/visceral response. Eh? No I don't understand it either.
You Always Hurt The One You Love - Spike Jones