Monday, December 10, 2007

At the risk of boring you all

Venues and cities unlock at a brisk pace and opportunities such as winning a tour van or stealing roadies are part of set list selections. After playing through a little while, we gave ourselves a rest and hit the store to kit ourselves out. Squid found a nice steampunk ensemble while the Lemur decked herself in electric lime green.

Chupa Chups - Mainpal

Over the course of the night, I came to understand a few things:

1. We all liked how the crowd would start singing along if we were really nailing the song.

Gween-Kong-Zee - Ex-Girl

2. Squid preferred the new guitar over the old one. After experimenting between the two, I had come to the same conclusion.

Psychic Hitlist Victim No.8 - Honolulu Mountain Daffodils

3. My left foot has a better sense of rhythm when using the bass pedal of the drum kit.

Sex-O-Matic - Bar-Kays

4. Lemur really likes the Pixies.

Cuffs - Ali Renault

5. General consensus was that we could easily tune out the noise from striking the drum kit. We had the sound up on the television but it wasn't too loud, I thought.

Storm In A Teacup - Lyndesy De Paul

In my hubris, I jacked up


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